l'interface graphique - SoftPanel Model 62000P&H Series

Caractéristiques principales
  • Modes LISTE, PAS À PAS et IMPULSION pour simuler les perturbations sur les lignes électriques (PLD) pour test
  • Simulation de tension transitoire sur panne de courant (conforme au test de maintien de l'alimentation en creux de tension (LVRT))
  • Synthèse des formes d'onde de distorsion pour harmonique et inter-harmonique
  • Les paramètres de mesure comprennent tous les ordres de composants harmoniques
  • Prise en charge des interfaces de communication GPIB, RS232C, USB et Ethernet

The Chroma 62000P&H Series SoftPanel provides convenient and practical functions for user to test power more efficiently.

  • The user can set voltage and current values using the functions in the Basic panel. When outputting the set voltage and current, the SoftPanel will measure the input voltage, current and power of the UUT continuously. The user can use the Report Generator to keep a record of the test.
  • The LIST function, which is different from the Basic funcion, allows the user to edit various voltage settings according with their test requirements. The LIST function can provide up to 100 sequences.

The Automotive Test Standards function supports three automotive test standards (ISO16750-2, GS95024-2, VW80000, LV123, LV148). Users can test their UUTs using the built-in standard test parameters, or customize the test parameters based on their test requirements.

The following items are supported:

ISO 16750-2 Standard
  1. Starting Profile
  2. Reset Behavior at Voltage Drop
  3. Momentary Drop in Supply Voltage
  4. Slow Decrease and Increase of Voltage


GS 95024-2-1 Standard
  1. Transient Over-voltage
  2. Transient Under-voltage
  3. Jump Start
  4. Slow Decrease and Increase of Supply Voltage
  5. Slow Decrease and Quick Increase of Supply Voltage
  6. Reset Behavior
  7. Start Pulses
  8. Voltage Curve with Intelligent Generator Control


VW80000 Standard
  1. Long-term Over-voltage
  2. Transient Over-voltage
  3. Transient Under-voltage
  4. Jump Start
  5. Load Dump
  6. Slow Decrease and Increase of Supply Voltage
  7. Slow Decrease and Quick Increase of Supply Voltage
  8. Reset Behavior
  9. Start Pulses
  10. Voltage Curve with Intelligent Generator Control


LV123 Standard
  1. Range of Unlimited Operating Capability
  2. Range of Upper Limited Operating Capability
  3. Range of Lower Limited Operating Capability
  4. Range of Highly Limited Operating Capability


NEW LV 148 Standard
  1. Long-term Overvoltage for Not Voltage Limited Components
  2. Transient Pulse in the Lower Operating Range
  3. Recuperation
  4. Slow Reduction and Slow Increase of Supply Voltage (without Battery)
  5. Slow Reduction and Slow Increase of Supply Voltage (with Battery – Part 1)
  6. Reset Behavior
  7. Operation in the Upper Range with Functional Restrictions
  8. Operation in the Lower Range with Functional Restrictions
  9. Overvoltage Range


▲ ISO 16750-2 Starting Profile

▲ ISO 16750-2 Reset Behavior at Voltage Drop Test

▲ GS 95024-2 Transient Overvoltage Test

▲ GS 95024-2 Transient Undervoltage Test

▲ VW 80000 Slow Decrease and Quick Increase of Supply Voltage Test

▲ VW 80000 Jump Start Test

▲ LV123 Range of Unlimited Operating Capability

▲ LV123 Range of Upper Limited Operating Capability

▲ LV148 Overvoltage Range

▲ LV148 Operation in the Lower Range

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Référence de modèle

l'interface graphique - SoftPanel